Paperback: 202 pages
Publisher: Routledge
Publish Date: December 19, 2023
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1032231106
ISBN-13: 978-1032231105
and Social Studies Using Principles of Universal Curriculum Design
Chapter 2: Reading to Understand and Reveal Culture as a Way of Life
Chapter 3: The Complexity and Importance of Multimodal Texts
Chapter 4: Teaching Critical Literacy with Graphic Novels
Chapter 5: How Thi Bui’s The Best We Could Do Might Motivate
Students to Read
Chapter 6: Scaffolding Canonical Literature with Graphic Novels
Chapter 7: Highlighting Symbolism with Graphic Novels
Chapter 8: Emphasizing Vocabulary Growth with Graphic Novels
Chapter 9: Enhancing and Academizing Student Discourse with Graphic Novels
Chapter 10: Noticing and Creating More Precise Language with Graphic Novels
Chapter 11:When Hands Are Tied: How Integrated Assignments
of Graphic Novels May Work